Vulnerability Charts

Last modified:

CVSS values listed are those of the highest scoring CVEs for any listed version. The highest possible score is 10.0, indicating that a version is considered to be ❌ extremely unsafe. The lowest possible score is 0.0, indicating that a version is currently considered to be ✔️ safe (although, other designations are possible, depending on other factors, such as whether the product has reached EoL, is still actively supported, is still under development and therefore whether it's ready to be used in a production environment and etc).

Versions will also be marked as either ✔️ safe or ❌ unsafe accordingly, or as ➖ in development (versions marked as in development may be safe, but aren't yet considered to be ready for a production environment, or may have a changing codebase, which therefore can't yet be predicated as either safe or unsafe), or as 〰️ disputed (CVEs exist, and there are sources which identify the version as unsafe, but the CVE or unsafe designation may be disputed, either by the vendor itself or alternative sources).

Please note that a ✔️ safe designation does NOT mean that the designated versions are free from bugs and errors! When a new "patch release" becomes available, in general, these patch releases rectify various problems, bugs and so forth which could be encountered when using outdated versions from prior to the particular patch release. As such, using the latest version for any particular branch is always advised in favour of using older, outdated versions.

If you find any errors, would like to add to the list or make some changes, please send a pull request to the GitHub repository for this page.
Licensing (for this repository): MIT License (feel free to copy and adapt it if you want).

CVSS Safe? Notes
PHP versions PHP 8.4.0 – 8.4.4
(2024.11.20 – 2025.02.13)
0.0 ✔️ (8.4.4 is the current latest version on the 8.4 branch).
PHP 8.3.14 – 8.3.17
(2024.11.21 – 2025.02.13)
0.0 ✔️ (8.3.17 is the current latest version on the 8.3 branch).
PHP 8.3.8 – 8.3.13
(2024.06.06 – 2024.10.24)
PHP 8.3.0 – 8.3.7
(2023.11.23 – 2024.05.09)
9.8 See: CVE-2024-4577.
PHP 8.2.26 – 8.2.27
(2024.11.21 – 2024.12.19)
0.0 ✔️ (8.2.27 is the current latest version on the 8.2 branch).
PHP 8.2.20 – 8.2.25
(2024.06.06 – 2024.10.24)
PHP 8.2.0 – 8.2.19
(2022.12.08 – 2024.05.09)
PHP 8.1.31
0.0 ✔️ (8.1.31 is the current latest version on the 8.1 branch).
PHP 8.1.30
PHP 8.1.0 – 8.1.29
(2021.11.25 – 2024.06.06)
PHP 7.0.8 – 8.0.30
(2016.06.23 – 2023.08.04)
9.8 (8.0.30 is the final version on the 8.0 branch).
(7.4.33 is the final version on the 7.4 branch).
(7.3.33 is the final version on the 7.3 branch).
(7.2.34 is the final version on the 7.2 branch).
(7.1.33 is the final version on the 7.1 branch).
(7.0.33 is the final version on the 7.0 branch).
PHP ≤ 7.0.7